Children in the Rain.


Genuine smiles.

Genuine disappointments.

Genuine happiness.

All day long you play and frolic in the sun.

And think of nothing else but what adventures lie ahead, TODAY.

No, not tomorrow.

Tomorrow is too foreign a term for a child.

For a child, tomorrow is the next day…

Not the FUTURE!

Tomorrow is when you can go and chase that butterfly again,

and run in the green rice fields, looking for snail eggs.

Tomorrow is when you would see your dear neighbor again,

look for small treasures, and see who runs faster this time.

Childhood, a time of genuine sorrows, too.

When all your plans for the day

Are shattered.

Because of the rain.

But children…

finds ideas to have contentment

amidst the rain.

Or joy, or satistaction.

Or sheer delights.


How fortunate we are today.

No chasing of butterflies!

No running on the rice fields looking for snail eggs.

Rain, pour harder and harder.

So we could bathe outside,

wet and cold and fresh!

Greater joys than what could have been had the sun shown.

Smiles. Disappointments. Happiness.

